Unity Amidst Diversity
We live in a world with so much turmoil, conflict, and misunderstanding that it is difficult to believe that there are people who had, in the past and who possess, in the present, wisdom and ability to unify people and help to bring lasting peace. One such person was Tierno Bokar, whose words were barely heard because of the militancy drowning out his voice. Even today, I have some apprehension that this essay will go unread because Tierno Bokar was Islamic. He was a man of great wisdom and could accept and embrace all religions and all people. We need to know more about him and his words of wisdom.
Muslim Spiritual Teacher Tierno Bokar (1875–1939)
Born in Mali, Tierno Bokar dedicated his life to Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam that emphasizes the cultivation of inner peace, love, and spiritual connection. His wisdom and example inspire people of all faiths and cultures because his messages speak to universal values like compassion, tolerance, and the importance of unity amidst diversity.
In the early twentieth century, many students came to the Muslim spiritual teacher Tierno Bokar (1875-1939). His basic tenets represent an "epistemological lens" through which we can understand many of today's great crises. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies knowledge and truth and how we gain, justify, and comprehend our beliefs of reality. His life was devoted to Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam that seeks in the crucible of experience what Tierno Bokar calls inner peace, the love of the whole, the light of the spirit. The values Tierno Bokar's messages embody cross all cultures and religions. His messages are of compassion, tolerance, and the need for people to unite in their differences. His voice echoes around the globe.
Perhaps Tierno Bokar's most important legacy is his adherence to the principle of tolerance. He lived during a period of ongoing political and religious conflict that roiled West Africa, where conflicts over religious sects in Islam were not uncommon. Rather than fueling a fire of division, Tierno Bokar preached rationality and respect between followers of all faiths. He preached that the road to divine salvation lay not through rage or blood but through love and compassion. His call for tolerance is a brave reminder of our shared humanity when the world seems at war with itself too often. His messages are relevant today, in the twenty-first century.
The teachings of Tierno Bokar are grounded in humility. He thought there was real wisdom in appreciating how much you didn't know and listening to those who do. This way of approaching each other invites us to listen and seek empathy when it is best to put our egos in a drawer and be curious about perspectives we do not share ourselves. His insistence on humility is increasingly urgent in an age of communication so cavalier that even thought and understanding seem optional.
He also emphasized the importance of inner peace and making for a peaceful society. He preached that individual spiritual progress, based on self-knowledge and union of the self with God, would flow naturally into actions beneficial to humanity. It speaks against the liberal lie that external change is change. Instead, if we want to be noble characters, he counsels us, letting us turn inward and become the qualities we wish to be. His lessons teach us that peace begins with us to ripple out and strengthen communities.
One of Tierno Bokar's most beloved sayings among people is that there are as many ways to go to God as there are human souls. What an impactful message telling us that diversity is not something to be feared but embraced. This worldwide vantage point resonates with the breadth of the human condition. It states that all people — regardless of background, belief, or other identifier — hold intrinsic value and a unique connection to the divine.
When we are frequently beset by problems of religious intolerance, cultural misunderstanding, and global strife, Tierno Bokar's life seems to be a disturbingly pertinent book of hope. He teaches us that peace starts with compassion, empathy requires humility, and that diversity is life's greatest gift, not our greatest threat. If we can heed his wisdom, we may salve the wound and manifest the land where our diversity is sacred, and our love and togetherness are part of our shared humanity on the road to liberation.
Through Tierno Bokar, we learn how the wisdom of the past can light our way through current trials. His life is a testament to the power of love, compassion, and spiritual connection in transforming lives and the communities they touch. His teachings inspire all who desire a more peaceful and compassionate world.
I am part of the Unity movement. Similar tenents and principles.