Jul 2Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Blueberries have for so long been used for medicinally positive purposes, they help clean the liver and kidneys according to some? I know Blueberries ate supposed to help the digestive system, further than that I don't think I have ever seen or tasted a Blueberry in the nudes only in muffins or fruitcake

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And it took bees, farmers, climate, truck drivers and market places to get those berries to us. I love them and have them every morning for breakfast in my serial. The main point is that we need each other. I need you and want you to be my friend and I enj7our friendship. And just to repeat you are a very good writer

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Jul 6Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

I hope we are already Friends, I do not mix with people much nowadays, most of my Friends that I have left are from My recent past. I still have Friends who I have had to get to know again after I had a breakdown I didn't know them or recognise any of them! I admit a couple I honestly can't believe I was ever Friends with, ( my Brother David told me they were more aqaintances than Friends in reality! I didn't renew the friendships with those ones) I honestly have been able to gain the confidence to write since corresponding with you Doc, you somehow have given me more faith in myself so I can write what I "Feel" rather than what some may expect. Thank you for being such a Caring,Decent Human being, .

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And thank you for being my friend

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And I love blueberry muffins

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Jul 2Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

I like blueberry muffins and blueberry bagels! I probably like blueberries too but I just don't buy blueberries! I really don't buy fruit but I do like some fruit! I love cherries but I hate the pits! But that's another story!

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And Connie I love blueberry muffins and my whole family knows it

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