I see a lot of this here on Substack. Anti-vaccination, anti-science, as well as anti-higher ed, and a lack of understanding of politics and how government works.

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And a lot of bitter anger

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Do tell us how politics and government works lady, I am sure this will be both fascinating and hypocritical considering you have an MFA and your ilk says people are not supposed to do their own research outside their area of expertise. Could it be you dabble in "disinformation," as a non expert?

The horror!

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I said I see this here. I did not say where, or who. I follow a lot of people here (including you) who I may not necessarily agree with all of the time, however, I don't make argumentative comments on their posts. I hope this helps Mr. Raven. Have a good night.

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Pamela you are correct and I feel protective of you not because I think you need it but I just do

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Thanks Allan. I find it sad that person can't agree with something someone else said with out getting attacked. This is exactly the reason why I stopped writing about politics a few years ago.

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Mr Raven your tone is angry. It's hard to know from written words but if you are angry then why? Why can't people disagree without anger?

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Not so fun when *you* get accused of peddling "misinformation" the accusation your ilk causally flung towards others as you gloated when innocent people were canceled and their lives ruined.

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Because people like you arrogantly ruined a lot of people's lives like those of people with school age children, small business owners ,and Canadian truckers, loudly trumpeting your supposed bonifides while in actuality getting the facts wrong.

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Who are you to speak about science, your bio says you have an MFA in English? LOL, I thought your ilk said we are only supposed to trust the experts, and not do our own research, well guess what you aren't an expert in this subject lady, LOL.

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Damn right! People with English degrees are dumb as dirt! 🤦‍♂️

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I've tried to subscribe to you but I guess I'm blocked

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That's insulting and there is no need for it

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/sarcasm/ … helps to know I have an English degree…

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But why the sarcasm? Why not a lively debate with no sarcasm?

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There’s no debate to have with people who think people with English degrees have no business knowing anything about science. Seriously.

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That's absurd.

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Bare assertion and ad hominem, pretty impressive for a two word sentence fragment.

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Thanks so much Gerard. My comment was not directed at anyone in particular, it was to Dr. Schwartz. Have a great night.

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I got irritated at him asserting that an English degree meant we knew nothing about anything else. Ignorant af and I may have slathered too much sarcasm on my comment.

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Now I get it

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Thanks for clarifying Gerard! Yup in order to get a degree in English or anything else you gotta take a whole lot of other classes, like science, math, politics and government, history. Pesky stuff, that are of no interest. Damn, can I just say how much I hated Stats!

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You missed the point entirely, I think you should feel free to do your own research, but many of the people pushing the vax narrative like Dr. Faccci strong discouraged non experts doing their own research. My point was if you going to mindlessly parrot the pro vaccine line then you yourself are constrained from commenting as the pro vax line is non experts have nothing useful to add to the conversation. I OTH think any person should be free to research whatever they like. If you don't like being told English majors can't comment on "vaccines" complain to Dr. Faucci and The Atlantic and the New York Times and other people pushing the regime narrative "vaccine" narrative, not me.

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I am merely holding the "vax" promoting set to their own standards which is we aren't supposed to do our own research if we aren't experts on a subject, a claim repeated ad nauseam in high middlebrow publications like The Atlantic and The New York Times.

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You assume that I have not done research on vaccines. I have in fact done research on vaccines and host of other things.

One of the things one learns when getting a degree in anything is how to do research. I have a B.A. in Digital Communications and Creative Writing and an M.A. in English, Creative Writing. You read my bio wrong. I also worked as a political writer. To get my B.A. I studied math, science, world history, politics and government, public policy, and a host of other things.

Perhaps you would like to see my transcripts to clear up any other ill conceived opinions you have of me.

I am now finished with this discussion. Again, I wish you a good night.

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You still don't get it. I think doing your own research is a fine thing what I am saying is the argument from the pro vax line you are taking a-prori precludes non "experts" commenting on science matters. Your problem is not with me your problem is with your own side which doesn't want you to have a voice because you took the "wrong" major in college.

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What did you study in college?

I actually don't have a problem with you Mr Raven.

I did not attack you directly, but you attacked me directly, here in response to a very vague comment I made not naming anyone in particular.

Again. Good night.

I can block you. Honestly prefer not to.

However, you have been quite rude, and was not speaking to you or about you.

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Mr Raven I personally know people who are anti access and who refuse the measels vaccine. Nice people and good people who have good intentions.

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I welcome a lively debate but not one filled with acrimony

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After Covid, if you are not questioning all vaccines, or at least MRNA, I have to ask why. Everyone knows traditional, actually relatively 'safe and effective' vaccines like polio or measles worked and they also were not forced on you at the risk of your job or travel. Add to this the profit motive of BIG Pharma and its influence over world governments and you have a suspect medical procedure at best with most vaccines.

Here follows a trigger test...Has anyone read RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci"? Or has anyone watched "The Dallas Buyers Club"? This should be interesting.

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Convinced they are smart so they adopt the contrarian opinion which has to be right because if it were wrong, everyone else would agree and then they wouldn’t be “smart.” 🤦‍♂️

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Why the hostility?

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Note, I am certainly not opposed to established science like the theory of evolution, or astrophysics, but the idea bought and paid for big pharma labs are doing anything like peer reviewed science, is risible.

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Finally I am not aware that my post was directed at you. It's designed to raise questions

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I never claimed that it was, I am taking umbrage on behalf of a whole group of people who turned out to be more right than wrong about the shots and the mandates who you have slandered as ignorant anti-vaxxers suffering from Dunning Kruger syndrome. To be perfectly blunt most of them are better writers than you and document their assertions with more citations that are of better quality then you did in your Atlantic magazine wannabe hit piece.

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I'm done with you

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Of course you are, since you have failed to refute my arguments that called you out for slandering innocent people. Go ahead and block me if you must, I called in reinforcements, lol.

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The irony is, this post one long gigantic ad hominem and doesn't provide a shred of evidence as to *why* "anti-vaxxers," might be wrong. Bring the receipts if you are so confident.

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Mr Raven it seems as though you have an ace to grind. Also the person you called lady is a talented writer of poetry and a woman who takes extraordinarily beautiful photos of nature. Yes I'm protective of Pamela

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I meant to write axe not ace

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Clearly you are upset, I thought it was us evul anti-vaxxers who operated on a basis of emotion and not considered reason, lol.

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I thought this was supposed to be about people getting factual information wrong, lol. Well guess what actual facts don't care about your feels.

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"Many of us, including me, are scratching our heads over why people are anti-vaccination..."

Surely you are joking? Maybe it's the fact that the media and the high paid policy wonks posing as "doctors," like Faucci lied to us on a continual basis? First, the experimental gene therapy mislabeled a "vaccine" was supposed to to stop transmission, and stop you from getting it. Then they admitted you would keep getting it as it became rather obvious that was the case, and it kept being transmitted as well.

Second, if the experimental mRNA gene therapy was "safe and effective," why did Pfizer want to hide the data of the rushed clinical trials for 75 years?

Note, I have no axe to grind and in fact got the first two shots, because I didn't used to be "anti-vaxx," but there is only so much serial lying a person will stand for, especially after Omicron which was both more transmissible and less deadly and thus made for rapid herd immunity.

I am honestly astonished you are pushing this in 2024, I thought your ilk was laying low to avoid prosecution?

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You are missing the point of the message and it's that a lot of people are making snap judgments based on a little bit of knowledge

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That's your assumption, it isn't my experience. My experience is the people who risked social sanctions that could be crippling for ignoring the mandates like losing your job, did so out of conviction and after doing a lot of homework and soul searching. How many people risk their livelihood based on a "snap judgement?" As a psychologist surely you can see that is a patently absurd idea?

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