Apr 22Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Lovely poems to celebrate Earth Day. I have recently discovered Mary Oliver and enjoy her work immensely.

Happy Earth Day !

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Apr 22Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

The environment is in dire need of prayer, because various corporate interests, political leaders, and one American "[cult] leader" are determined to ignore scientific evidence.

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Lenny, I totally agree. If there were a word stronger than "totally" I would us it.

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Apr 22Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Doc I'm proud to know you Sir. I have been able to have proper conversations with you, yet people I know in person will tell you I'm quiet normally! I feel comfortable and more confident when I converse with you.I thank you for that.

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Apr 22Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Longfellow was way ahead of the times, descriptive of today but written a long time ago. I want to see a World where my Grandchildren's Grandchildren can live in PEACE, and without fear of the Sun becoming an inferno or the Moon creating Seatides that will cover the Earth or even Snowstorms so harsh everything freezes in its wake!

I want a World that isn't polluted with Oils or Pladtics a World where Nuclear Waste becomes inactive due to the advances in technology. A place of Tranquility where Mankind can relax and feel a gentle breeze in the warm sunlit days, where we can see the Stars and the beauty of the Universe, without clouds of toxins in the Air.

I want to leave a World I can be proud of! I think its only Fair !

Thank you Doc! longfellow to me is very much in the same vein as Wordsworth and his Daffodils.

Descriptive yet pleasing, unlike my sorry attempt above

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What a wonderful comment. You are an extraordinary man and I'm proud to know you.

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Great reminders of how important nature is to all that we are and what we can do. There is a trustworthy rhythm to nature that is healing to the psyche and rejuvenating but we need to slow down enough first to not think in nanoseconds. Mother Nature simply does not care if I wished the sunrise happened faster. :-) I wrote about this in my April 8th post at The BizDoctor's Gazebo in relation to our reactions to the Total Eclipse. We are awestruck and humbled at the same time to see something we rely on day after day act in an unusual way. We are simply powerless over what the Sun, Moon and Earth will do in their rhythmic dance. And when the Sun returns, we know all will be OK. Taking time every day to treasure the natural world around us can only make us better stewards of this wonderful treasure that is the planet Earth.

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