Thanks for sharing this with us. I’m sure as time goes on things will begin to be more homey. I know for myself, especially during challenging times, at the end of the day I write in a a notebook of three things I’m grateful for. It’s also fun to go back and read it. Be well and we will be happily waiting to hear from you. All the best as you enter this new season.

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Monica, practicing gratefulness is something I do and, I’m feeling much better now. I have met some really nice people.

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Allan, Getting locked out reminds me of something I would do. I am glad you called your daughter and some that works there also arrived!

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I fell and fractured my femur 🥵

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Allan, I am so sorry to see this news. I was thinking about you and had a feeling you were perhaps not okay. I am sending healing energy and prayers your way.

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Thank you Pamela and I’m starting to feel better. I will call you when I feel more settled.

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Glad to hear you are feeling better!

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Thank you for sharing this. I hope that your settling in process continues apace. Do what you can to avoid falling, but it seems that you are doing incredibly well so keep it up.

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Thank you

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Thank you for sharing about the difficulties that come with change. Your honest insights are helpful to others regardless of their age or stage of life. The realization that it is a process validates all who struggle to navigate change. As a younger person with peripheral neuropathy I understand the challenges that come from the condition. I’m fortunate to receive a treatment for my autoimmune condition that keeps it from progressing, but I’ve learned to be more careful due to balance issues, especially in the winter!

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Thanks for sharing. You are the same age as my dad and he is well but struggling with change mostly because of my mum's dementia as well as his various aches and pains. I'm struggling too to know how to support them especially as they value their independence and don't want to be 'a bother'.. Of course change is hard for all of us at whatever stage we are at in life. But I think we need to hear more from older writers because it gives us a better sense of perspective about what is important and of course (if we're lucky) we will all be old one day, and facing the challenges of aging. Please keep writing and sharing your stories. Wishing you all the best in your new home and hope you will feel settled soon and find contentment and joy.

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Yes Doc, I know you will keep writing. Both for yourself and those of us also approaching a life transition. I know you have a lot in your tool box, and that your new living situation will afford plenty grist for the well.

Please don't forget how much you are loved by us.


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If you ever have a need to talk beyond your good inner circle of support I would enjoy hearing how you’re handling your challenges… and hopefully you keep writing! L Moore

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Although I’m not your age yet, I can relate to the feeling of change and how a new environment can be challenging. Establishing new routines takes effort and can feel strange, new, and raw

Thank you for sharing.

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