Jun 27Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Orwell was ahead of his time. Many Sci Fi writers either had a clear view of the future or they were time travellers( bear with me for a moment) Gene Rodenberry , Lucas, etc all have had things that were thought impossible ( communicator Star Trek) we now have the flip phone ,Motorola brought out the first flip phone Nokia brought out one that actually looked like the communicator! Then there's thejet pack first seen on Thunderbirds are go, then on the "Jetsons", so many items that are taken for granted like the video phone, The inventors were/are Geniuses. Many recent inventions were made apparently after a person got the idea from a book or something seen on TV or even in a comic, I can't say whether its true or not but just Wow ! Nikolas Tesla got his ideas from sleep or daydreaming according to his own statements. The uncle of Donald Trump allegedly removed Teslas inventions, Paperwork and his working registered patents into Government safekeeping. Rumours have been around since that certain inventions were patented under Trumps Uncle's name. One very important device ( apart from the free electricity and the weapon of mass destruction "Laser based") there was an alleged "Cap" that had electrodes fitted that Tesla claimed allowed him to sleep for two hours and wake refreshed ! Mind control has been " Intelligence services " Dream "Weapon" since the 1900's I honestly hope they never get anywhere close to getting a working example of one. Democracy is already tainted by Criminal entities trying for high office even the Presidency in the USA and Pzm here in the UK! Orwell and 1984 has become closer and closer over the Years,CCTV around the World! Even microphones in public places ,and No it's No longer Sci Fi or Conspiracy theories! There's been TV documentaries where Whistle-blowers have given enough evidence to prove this is already happening. Before long if this way of Control carries on the " Thought Police" will become fact not fiction, One important thing to think about Tesla stated "3" "6" "9" are the most important numbers in the Universe ? I have tried so hard to work out the importance of these numbers and believe I have now worked them out!

Difficult to believe but those 3 numbers put you into a never ending circle. It's the only clue I will give to the answer. ( I'm willing to tell you Doc as I'm sure you will see the answer via the clue)!

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Hi Derek, so happy to hear from you and hope you are feeling at least a little better if not a whole lot better. Yes, I'm now very curious about the answer

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Jun 27Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Damn sorry I deleted my answer as it didn't go to private message?

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Do not worry about it.

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I will send as a private message when I can figure it out again

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We are not quite there yet but when we are this technology will read private thoughts and thinking. Think about that in the hands of the Chinese, Russian and Iranian governments. And it is good that ethicists are looking at this. I don't trust politicians or big corporations. Thanks for your comments.

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Yes exactly and I will suggest it to everyone. Thank you

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I’m currently half way through audio of 1984…. Thought I remembered most from reading years ago however the truly gruesome nature/detail unsettling … might be good suggested reading because there are too many aspects that have unpleasant ring of current thinking and behavior …

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I do think discussions on negative possibilities with technological advancement are valuable, even at times existentially necessary.

I have a hard time seeing a negative with these devices. A twitch streamer just used one to beat an Elden Ring boss (one of the most difficult games). Seeing things like that reminds me of a client I had when I used to run an IDD home that used assistive tech to be able to play Farmville. When I see stuff like this I can't help but think of how much QoL improvement can be made for everyone.

The line between stifling tech/medical advancement or possible runaway destruction of individual rights is thin. I don't know if there is a right answer, but I am glad politicians and ethicists are looking at it.

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