
Derek, you are a wealthy man

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Compassion and Love,Loyalty and Trust, if someone has one or more of those attributes then they have more than money can buy.

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Jul 18Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

The reason I have Parrot companions is exactly that, Avians when they bond their Loyalty is unfaltering! I have few true Friends yet the ones I have know they can count on me as I can them.

Loyalty is something I tried to explain to my Children, I don't believe Loyalty can be Taught, it's something that is part of You! Social Services wanted to put my friend in a Hospice when he had Cancer, He didn't want that and told them so ! I had to literally fight them legally to get him back to his home ( an apartment below mine) I won . He eventually got the all clear, sadly due to his treatment and his refusal to give up alcohol early onset dementia hit him. Then he got necrosis of the mandible, so another operation to remove half of his lower jawbone. With the help of another of his Friends I was able to care for him for almost five years before he passed at his home. We had walkie talkies rather than using the phone all the time, sadly I ended up in hospital overnight ( Dehydration and exhaustion) I was able to persuade the Dr to allow me to go home after a bit of sleep and intravenous fluids, etc etc. I got home approx 4am and checked on him as our other friend had left almost an hour before, he was settled fine. I woke up at 10am ( I normally checked him at 6am) our friend had arrived as I got to my friends door we went inside he wasn't in his bed or his bedroom or bathroom I checked his lounge and he was kneeling by his telephone table already passed away, police,ambulance ,etc then the van that took him for a post mortem . The guilt I felt was terrible although I knew I had done everything I could to keep him happy in his own home where he had stated he wanted to be when he passed. A good man, a good Friend, and a pain in the bloody neck at times. But there's a Code of Friendship myself and my Friends stand by." Not just friends in the good times, not just friends when it suits us, but friends whether Rich or Poor, friends during Sickness and Health. Friends to the End then Until we meet again! RIP Sean/David.

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You must not feel guilt. You demonstrated commitment, loyalty and love. We are not all powerful. We are not G-d, we are meet mortals. What you did for your friend really impressed me

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He would have done the same if the situation was reversed Doc, I believe that's what True Friendship is about. Loyalty. I know I have done nothing to feel guilty about ,yet there is always that feeling "I could have done more or I could have done better", knowing you did your best is a help but you still get the feeling of guilt. Perhaps it's just me? I don't know, I know I wouldn't have changed the way I did things because it gave him more time and it allowed him to pass in his own home,which is exactly what he wanted! Loyalty and Trust means more to me than any other type of Riches, I may not have much financially but I have my Loyalty and the Friends and Family I have Trust me, what more can I ask for?

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