I understand why people divorce later in life and for many it truly is the right and best decision. But for just as many, I feel it’s more of a grass is greener syndrome of them trying regain something lost before it’s too late. However, a different partner is not necessarily the salve because the problems of what caused the breakdown continue to be unexamined. And that there is the real issue. The grass isn’t greener unless there is deep introspection on how you got there and to be ruthlessly honest with yourself about it too. Sometimes working harder and from the vantage point of true vulnerability- maybe for the first time in your life - will change your spiritual fortune, not a new partner but rather a new type of relationship with the old one. Just my thoughts.

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That is well said. Thank you

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I was divorced at age 56. It was my decision. The reasons were complex but I knew it was the right thing to do and that I was years too late in doing it. I then met a woman on an Internet dating website and we have been happily married for 20 years although there are now stressors relating to our health as we are aging. But we are navigating these changes successfully thus far.

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Marc great congratulations

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I'm one of those people who got divorced late in life. You're right about the unique problems, mostly practical and financial. As I struggle to make ends meet, I don't regret the move one bit. I'm still friends with my ex, and we meet up regularly for chats and discussions over coffee. Living on your own brings a whole new dimension to life. If, like me, you have many interests that keep you busy, loneliness doesn't figure. It's usually women who instigate divorce, and often it's older women who suffer the 'unique problems'.

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Patricia tank you for that wonderful comment. It’s a key factor that you have many interests to keep you busy

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Your article resonated with me as an older divorcee, and as a writer who writes about life as an older woman. I hadn't thought of divorce as a subject and you covered it really well. Good article!

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Thank you Allan.

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Ian you are more than welcome

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Wow. Super helpful article. Thank you.

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I am pleased

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