Apr 30Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

I sit and ponder why

My memories are a lie,

I see the past through rose tinted glasses. Everything was better there weren't the killings so often in the news today, or so my mind tells me.

Reality we're the good old days as good as we remember? I don't think so. I really believe that in times gone by there was still poverty,Hunger,Deaths unreported unlike today. Today we know more because of the "Intranet " we look and we find, and to prove the point we look back to our Youth and what the media printed or newscaster said, things were as bad yet were still better. I contradict myself! How can they have been so bad yet better? Because of the rose tinted glasses, We remember what we wanted it to be, rather than the reality! Memories I had conversations with my Mother (now deceased ) and although we used to remember the same incidents we remembered them differently, whether there were small or large discrepancies it didn't matter, we were both there but Memories play tricks or downright lie.

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That is exactly my point. That is why we need to live in the present moment. The present isn't so bad, you have a new friend.👍

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👍Thank you

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That's a good reminder for me as I adjust to being a widow and living on my own. I spend too much time thinking about how it was, and worrying about the future . . but as you say all there really is - is now.

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Janice, I live for today.thinking of the past although can give you Joy it can also give you great sorrow, at least that's how I see things.

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May 1Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

So true, thinking of - dwelling on the past - is a mixed blessing

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