I address your final paragraph. Trump has a long long record of unethical behavior stretching back to at least as far as when he paid someone to take his SAT exam. As a much later example, one of my close friends agreed to help Trump open the Atlantic City casino for a $200,000 fee. My friend succeeded, quickly. When he visited Trump to get paid, Trump said he would pay only 50% and if my friend didn’t like it, he could sue. This has been one of the ways Trump demonstrated unethical behavior throughout his life beyond his cheating on wives and other acts of dishonesty.

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I remember that so very well

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It seemed I was a lot more ethical as a child. As I grew up and went into my teen years, I was rude, rebellious, fighting all the time over ego issues with my father and engaging in underage drinking, smoking, and the odd use of pot. Still, I was in denial of the unsavory personality I displayed. Somehow, as the youngest of three, I always saw myself as innocent. I recall having three good friends and how they tried to argue with me about my angry actions and stealing. I believed it was justified to steal from the government because their taxation robbed us and they cared little about sending people off to die in conflicts.

A big change came many years later as I was able to earn a reasonable living. Still, once I succumbed to temptation and took $100 out of a house guests wallet. It ended the strongest friendship I ever had. Anosognosia is a condition in which people with an illness lack insight into their own condition, very common with schizophrenia. I had a form of this problem only I didn't realize my behavior left people with a much worse opinion of me than I had of myself. A phrase from Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield said seemed to sum up my eventual moral reconstruction. He said that until he realized that everyone... everyone struggles with something, he never was able to grow as a human being. I still get angry and wish harm on others, but when I turn things around and imagine a valid reason why someone may have wronged me, on purpose or not, my anger lessens. Prayer and meditation often helps with any leftover anger, and for anything that gets in my way that can't be blamed on people.

Leif Gregersen


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You present a lot to think about and maybe the topic of an essay

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That is an excellent idea Dr.Schwartz. i should even try and publish it in a mzgazine. Can you think of the ideal publication to send it to?

Leif G.


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Actually a good question but I don’t know

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