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"Always be True to yourself " another of my Mother's bits of wisdom. Something I never understood as a child yet now is part of my being because if you can't be true to yourself ? Who can trust you to be true to them?

I know what it means now. It refers to not lying to yourself, hiding the truth in your subconscious mind rather than facing reality,facts.it means ownership of your mistakes, rectifying your wrongs. Just being Honest with yourself and those around you. Yet what is True Worth? I think it's a misnomer as something can be worthless to one Yet priceless to another, some people think they are better than others Yet some have low self esteem, I certainly felt I wasn't worth anyone's time yesterday when I was hooked up to a drip and an ECG machine, what Ambulance personnel thought was a heart problem turned out to be a stress related panic attack that was showing an anomaly on the ECG, We are all Worth time, we are all equal or at least should be.

Self Worth with todays youth is "What they have in the bank what car they drive and how big their home is" but that's only my opinion after looking at some "Social media influencers" Yet try not to believe all they say because I think their reality is skewed.

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