Jun 19Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Of course if you want to, I try very hard to put my thoughts down even though not everyone would agree with my views tbh. But you are welcome to use anything I put on open posts.

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Put your thoughts down and take the attitude of "who cares if people agree or not."

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Jun 19Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

A very clever person ,the Buddha says it all. I think in much the same way, Compassion, Empathy and the fact that it's " Nice to be Nice " goes a long way! Even though there's so much turmoil,Anger and Apathy in People around the World, I blame World Leaders not the people! We need to lose the Anger the " it's not my problem " or " I couldn't care less " attitude or the future looks very grim. We should be doing all we can to ensure our Children Grandchildren and all those who follow us into this World, not just for ourselves!

Buddhist teachings are more or less a book on how Humanity should be it has everything in there to make life easier and to leave the World a better place than we found it.

Today people have their " influencers" who are not really very good Role models, the " influencers" have people who Rule their Country as Role models! Unfortunately those Role models have so much hate Anger and aggression that they are very bad as Role models the likes of Sunak,Starmer,Farage,Biden, Trump,Putin,Kim young un. All full of Hatred and vitriol ! Why can't a Decent person become a World leader so our young have a positive Role model? I think the answer is plain to be a World leader you need to be Ruthless, Arrogant, uncaring and just plain nasty! It should not be that way. OK my life has been a full life, unfortunately illness has cut the fullness out although I try to be upbeat and carry on as before although I no longer go outside very much ( agoraphobic) life can still be fulfilling, I am really glad the Doc brought up Buddhism as it is different to conventional Religion's, I see it as a way of life not a Religion as such. Buddhism does follow many of the good things within Religion yet does not contravene any of the Bible teachings,( it doesn't matter if its the Holy Bible,the Torah,Talmud,Qùran or any other holy book) you can legitimately follow Buddhism alongside your Chosen Religion ( unless your Catholic ! Unfortunately Catholicism does not agree with my thoughts).

Thank you Doc ( Allan) for sharing something that means so much to myself and my way of life.


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That is brilliant. Is it ok if I use it in the future?

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"We have a collective responsibility to the planet and to the people of the world."

I keep hoping we can convert these fine lofty sentiments I see all over Substack in to tangible real world action which attempts to fulfill some of that collective responsibility.

Let us come down out of the theory clouds, plant our feet on the ground, and do something big, tangible, and specific. Not words and ideas, action. And then, once we have a system in place which does this for us automatically every month, back in to the clouds we may go.

Something like this:


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Phil, I totally agree. We need action NOW. At age 81 there is not a lot I can do except get the word out there and vote for the people who are committed to the who are taking action and will take action. I worry about my grandchild and all the children because I fear the future.

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Jun 20Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

Hi Allan, thanks for reply. I'm 72 myself. I'm attempting to offer us an easy inexpensive way we can take specific concrete action that makes a difference.

Thanks for joining! Your action may help persuade Substack management that we all wish to take action together with their assistance. If you'd like to invite your readers to participate, please do.

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Jun 21Liked by DocTalk, Allan N Schwartz PhD

It takes one person to change the people in the world! My Mother had a wonderful way about her, we were not rich my Mum was a true hippy, I was brought up to believe that it is " Nice to be Nice " although Catholic upbringing we were free to choose whatever Religion we wanted to follow when we were 9/10 years old. I have said to many people that Religion is not a compulsory part of life. But being kind to others even when you feel they are not very nice people is something that can change a person. I truly believe that if one person gives a cheery "Hello" with a smile to the other people you pass it can lift the other person's spirits. I sat next to a homeless person in the square surrounded by shops, he was sitting staring at his feet, I started a conversation and he responded he was pretty well educated . He said to me as I left "Thank you for taking the time.e to speak to a lonely old man, not many people do! " I got a smile and that made my day. I no longer go outside due to being agoraphobic ( I'm not I just have panic attacks around people now). Little things can change not only our own lives but the people who we meet as well! I honestly believe that teaching our children that it's " Nice to be Nice " is the start, being a Positive Role model is very important to me, my children are the same with their children and that makes me happy! ( my Daughter Rachael seems to think I'm like Peter Pan because of how I try to make things so children understand me,"Many adults don't 😅 ")

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Derek, I totally understand and feel total empathy.

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Thank you Doc, my Daughter Rachael is with me just now her flight landed at 4.20 and she arrived at my home at 6.20, staying until 0400 Monday Morning for her flight to Ireland (she just landed from Lanzerotte after her holiday). I have been talking about our Friendship, and she is happy that I'm speaking with someone new!

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